When I was talking to my sister about making insect/bug crafts this week she suggested that we make grasshoppers, its not the usual butterfly, bee etc type craft so i started searching, I found one that was meant for older kids that i was going to try and adapt, but my sister came up with this one that was perfect, the kids loved making them.
I am so impressed with how our Very Hungry Caterpillar craft projects came out I just had to post them. I know I haven't updated the blog in awhile. In the morning we learnt about how Eric Carle creates the pictures in his books, by painting tissue paper and using different techniques and mediums and then piecing them together. So for about an hour in the morning the kids used various tools and types of paint to paint green, blue, yellow and red tissue paper. Then while it dried we went to our normal routine. in the afternoon the tissue paper was cut into circles and other "details" for the caterpillar. The kids had a great time. What do you think?
I try to think of new and creative things to do with the kids, as I find we tend to do the same things year after year. so I decided to start incorporating more of the books we read into the activities we do. So we had a Cat in the Hat day , talked about rhyming words and read a bunch of Dr Seuss books and just had a ton of fun making giant hats to wear. The kids loved it!
One of my favorite things to do as a kid was to go tobogganing, and I enjoy taking the kids each year when we can. This year without a helper I was unsure where we were going to toboggan that I could do it all on my own. Thankfully my mom lent a helping hand and we all had a great time. I even got on a few times... guess you are never too old (or too heavy) to go tobogganing!
Earlier this week I rotated the toys in the play room. Its almost like Christmas when the kids see the new toys that are out for the next few weeks. This week I decided to try the Tinker toys with the kids, almost a couple of them are a bit under the age, I figured with supervision it would be OK. Well I had a Dr's appt so my mom came and watched the kids and they had a great time building with the tinker toys. Here are some pictures of the fun.
Today B and I went to the walmart Fun factory and choose a pretty bear to fill and call our own. We got him some nice silk pj's and filled him up nice and full. Then we coloured a box (den) and tucked him in for his long winters nap. It was a lot of fun. We named him Nate from "hiberNATE" LOL pretty cute I thought
Choosing our new Friend "Nate"
Choosing Nate's PJ's Filling up Nate Nate all Dressed in his PJ's Nate all tucked in
Even though numbers are a bit low right now, you would think I would have more time to update the blog. but instead I am trying to get all my paperwork and organizing completed and so anyhow, a few weeks ago we had a big snow storm and so the kids of course wanted to get out there and have some fun. here are some pictures.
Well my favorite thing to do with the kids in the Autumn is to go and play in all the fallen leaves. Most years we don't get much chance because it rains so much. This morning however we had a great opportunity and I didn't forget my camera! I love the smiling faces and the colours of the leaves!
As we do every year, this year we went to the pumpkin patch to get some pumpkins for the daycare Halloween party. We only have R & B with us this year but it was still lots of fun. Of course it was absolutely freezing out that day!