Awhile ago I purchased a blow up ball pit for the daycare care off of (awesome site you should check it out) anyhow it has been sitting in the back of my van since then waiting for the right moment/time to put it out. I knew it would be cause for a lot ofexcitement and best put out in a week that we didn't have much going on. This week seemed the right time. So we got out our air mattress pump and connected it to the van and blew it up! It has like 7 spots to be blown up and there was NO way I was doing it myself! And I have about 500 balls if not more that we piled inside! The kids have a blast. I do wish they would create a ball pit that has a ledge so the balls don't come out so easily. But the kids are doing such an awesome job of cleaning them up each day! Great job kids!
Every year, usually in the summer, I like to do a pirate theme week. Nothing too extravagant really but fun and I pull out all my pirate things that only come out for that one week. Well this past summer the time just flew by and we didn't have our pirate week until this past week. The kids love it and I look forward to our usual Pirate Party. This year we decided to keep it a bit low key because the kids had just as much fun dressing up as pirates and using pirate stamps than any activity I could provide. Here are a few pictures. My camera is acting up lately and the flash won't work, so I did not get as many pictures as I would have liked.
As most of you may have known, we had Amanda here doing her internship for her college program for 8 weeks. That time ended and she left us. But with some discussions and agreements, I was able to bring her back part time. The kids absolutely adore her, and the extra set of hands is such a help, that she will now be with us full time! I know I could provide great care without the help, but 4 hands are certainly better than one. And the kids adore her. They ask about her a lot when she is not there. Here is a cute picture I took of her with B that I just wanted to share.
About a month ago, we had taken the kids on one of our trips to the local library. While I was there, I met a woman that is helping to start a weekly playgroup at the community centre just down the road from me. We tried it out the day it opened. The kids were a bit over excited and their listening ears seem to have left the building before the, so after about 30 minutes of FINALLY getting them all coated/booted etc. we walk the 3 minute walk. When we got there we saw a few other kids and tons of toys to play with. I think the kids enjoyed that it was new. And I have to say I have never seen the toddlers behave and share EVER as well as they did then. We have not made it to the playgroup since because of other activities, but hope to go again soon. here are some pictures of our first adventure.
Earlier this month and late last month, we went through the fun of pink eye in pretty much all of the kids. This is a frustrating illness because you can get it over and over again with no break. Amanda and I were "fortunate" enough to fall victim to this as most of you know due to my need to close for a day. It turns out the pink eye has done something weird to my cornea and I can not see properly, so this has prevented me from getting any posting done. I first had it looked at two weeks ago and again this week and am told it could be Christmas before its healed. Lucky me. so if there are any typos or things on this blog look a bit weird... that is why :)
I hope everyone had a safe and spooky Halloween. We handed out candy for the first time in our new home and got about 12 kids, which of course means tons of candy left. Thank goodness we didn't buy much "fun" stuff, instead nibs/licorice and tootsie rolls! HA HA. Thanks R and B for the goodie bag this morning! Here is a slide show of our very busy Halloween party!