The weeks leading up to the holidays were quite busy and full of lots to do. But it was also a week of few kids between illness and vacations so I didn't have many pictures to post. We did have fun last Thursday with a sled and a snowman light set I got. Its lights for the eyes, nose mouth and buttons, its pretty cool. I thought I would share that day with you.
Running your own home daycare definitely has its advantages, but one of the disadvantages is that you don't have a "staff" Christmas party. So for the second year in a row, I hosted a family fun night for both the kids and the parents. Although the weather was horrible outside with TONS of snow and terrible roads, three families were able to make it and we had a great time. Santa even stopped by!! He told us all that he ALWAYS eats his supper before eating any cookies! Good to know ;) anyhow, there were sooo many pictures so I made a slide show. So here is the link. Thanks to everyone that was able to make it. Sorry to those who couldn't make it, darn winter weather!!
Today was our annual Christmas picture day. A few years ago I painted this fireplace that we hang up beside the Christmas tree each year in the playroom. And then on one day the kids come and we do pictures for the families. Its a bit of a "present" for the parents so I am not about to really show you pictures, but I do have a few "teasers". I personally love pictures, and I hope the parents will enjoy comparing their child each year as they grow with the background that stays the same here at daycare. I will admit its kinda creepy with no heads lol.
This past Friday was a PA day so Amanda and I were trying to come up with an activity that would keep everyone busy with the extra kids. We decided to try this "craft" I saw in a magazine. Last year at our Family Fun Night, each family had a gingerbread house to put together and then take home. But it was a bit frustrating getting them to stay together. Well the recipe I found, was to make the gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. Which I thought is an awesome idea since the kids don't like eating gingerbread anyhow. Well let me tell you, graham crackers don't stay together any better than gingerbread. But we did our best and the kids had fun. In the end every ones house fell apart, so they had flat roofs. However, the kids had fun and they each had a project they did on their own, which is the main thing. No one did tell me how they tasted though! Here are some pictures. It was fun, but really really MESSY! Until we got the hang of putting them together.
This year, with the daycare being separated from the actual living space of our home. We were able to get a real tree for us, and use our fake tree for the kids to decorate their own way. Amanda and I put it up and strung the lights and garland and then let the kids go nuts! I must admit as much as on my own tree I would hate to have three ornaments on one branch, or two ornaments touching, it looks really good. and much as Amanda wants to "fix" it, we will leave it just as the kids did it.
We had a great surprise (well not so much a surprise as loud HELLO) from old man winter this week. Dumping tons of snow on us. The kids of course were anxious to get out there and enjoy it. So we bundled up and made the most of it. I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to getting everyone all bundled up and ready to go out, but it went smoothly and it wasn't bitterly cold out which made it that much more enjoyable. Here are some pictures of the fun we had in our first snow fall!