I have already told most of the parents, but I just thought I would share this with any of the "other" viewers this blog might have. And if I do have any other followers, please feel free to leave a comment. Anyhow, during our 5 senses week last week, I thought the kids would enjoy hearing their own voices so I dug out a small tape recorder (yes you read right, tape, as in cassette tape :P) and brought it down and had the kids talk and then we listened. They thought it was hilarious! The part that I enjoyed was when I brought it out and the awe in the kids faces over this strange contraption. Funnier still was their questions, "what is that" is it a movie?! their total confusion just made me laugh, but also feel old. Wonder what they would do if I pulled out a record player. HAHA its moments like that, that remind me why I do this job :) Hope you are all having a great day
I don't really have a picture to post for today, so I thought I would just throw in an adorable picture we caught of the puppies (for those of you that don't know, our jug had puppies 16 days ago and yes they are for sale haha) this is not a posed picture either!

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